6 Ways to use Plain Coloured Wallpapers and Wallcoverings

Using Plain Coloured Wallpapers / Wallcoverings in Residences and Businesses

Wallcoverings greatly influence the ambiance of a room, whether it’s a cosy home or a bustling commercial space. The versatility and charm of plain coloured wallcoverings are often overlooked in favor of patterned wallpapers. This article explores 6  ( six )  tips for effectively using plain coloured wallcoverings in residential and commercial spaces, and how to mix them with patterned ones like florals, geometrics, stripes and cartoons.

Tip 1 : Establish a Timeless Look

Plain coloured wallcoverings provide a timeless foundation for any space. Opting for neutral tones like whites, creams, or muted grays allows flexibility in decor choices over time. These hues provide a blank canvas that can easily adapt to changing trends or personal preferences. In commercial spaces, this flexibility ensures that the environment remains professional and cohesive. In residential areas, it allows for easy decor updates without major renovations.

Tip 2: Add Depth with Texture

While the colour might be simple, the texture can bring depth and visual interest to the walls. Consider using textured plain wallcoverings such as linen, grass cloth, or subtle geometric patterns. This adds tactile appeal but also creates a sophisticated backdrop for other design elements. Mixing plain colours with textures can be especially effective in commercial settings, enhancing the overall aesthetic without distracting.

Tip 3: Bold Colours are Best for Accents

It’s a good idea to introduce bold shades as accent walls when decorating with plain wallcoverings. The use of a vibrant wall in a residential or commercial space can serve as a focal point, attracting attention without overwhelming the entire space. Combined with patterned wallpapers on adjacent walls, this technique creates a dynamic and balanced visual effect.

Tip 4: Harmonize with Patterned Wallcoverings

When combining plain and patterned wallcoverings, harmony is key. In residential spaces, consider pairing floral or geometric wallpaper with plain colored walls in a coordinating shade. This allows the patterns to stand out without clashing. In commercial areas, a balance between sophistication and creativity can be achieved by incorporating cartoon-themed wallpapers selectively, perhaps in designated playful zones, while maintaining a more subdued palette elsewhere.

Tip 5: Create a Visual Flow

To create a seamless transition between plain and patterned wallcoverings, think about the overall flow of the space. Gradual colour shifts or a subtle transition between plain and patterned walls can create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere. This technique is particularly effective in open-concept spaces, ensuring that the different elements complement each other rather than compete for attention.

Tip 6: What’s your interior personality

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Go for these versatile and timeless option of using wallcoverings.

Plain coloured wallcoverings are a versatile and timeless option for both residential and commercial spaces. According to the desired mood, they can serve as sophisticated backgrounds or bold statements. When plain wallcoverings are combined with patterns, whether floral, geometric, or cartoon-themed, it opens a world of creative possibilities, allowing spaces to be customized to suit individual tastes. Ultimately, the key lies in finding the appropriate balance to create a harmonious and visually appealing environment.

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